BackBlast Bombsquad Change up Backblast

Bombsquad Change up Backblast

Conditions: great weather, clear, cool, light breeze. 14 unsuspecting pax came out for a beatdown with some surprisingly different exercises after Mother’s Day. Warm Up: -25x side straddle hop -25x heel and toe raises -25x Peter Parker merkins (4 count, but 2 count would have been a better choice for the warm up) -10x seal …

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BackBlast Lifted Stones (and Blocks) Gather No Moss

Lifted Stones (and Blocks) Gather No Moss

Catapult has been suffering from Kotter abandonment and general malaise over the last several months. My hope was that the promise of a creative workout and reducing your risk of premature death would be selling points. Meh… But, the men who showed up busted their asses and got better. It was partner work for 90% …

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BackBlast Sandbag D.T. Tough

Sandbag D.T. Tough

YHC grabbed the open Q and went to work coming up with a plan for a decent workout. Not knowing what the numbers would be I didn’t want it to be too complicated. I figured maybe do some Murph training before the Murph WOD. That was until I stumbled across this little beauty. The announcement …

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BackBlast Sand Deck of Death

Sand Deck of Death

The question was raised yesterday afternoon. Who is going to join YHC in the gloom at Dough Shaw? The responses were slow to come in but eventually 2 pax responded. The requests for rucks and bags were given as YHC had no idea what to bring to the party. YHC even mentioned that we might …

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BackBlast Recovery Workout 225

Recovery Workout 225

The weather lately has had more mood changes than a teenage boy. From 70’s and 80’s and sunny, to 40’s and 50’s with rain and wind. I guess mother nature still wanted to see us in our winter attire before summer arrives and the let the wether this morning hover around 45 with a moderate …

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BackBlast Un-advertised Birthday Q

Un-advertised Birthday Q

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 42 43. If you have a daughter that likes Taylor Swift, you get it. If you were a fan of the Simpsons in the 90s, you know Disco Stu doesn’t advertise Similarly, I felt weird advertising a Bday Q. Guys either show up or they don’t, no …

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BackBlast 4/1/23 Bombsquad Beatdown 1,000 rep club

4/1/23 Bombsquad Beatdown 1,000 rep club

Conditions: Partly cloudy, unlimited visibility, 10 mph southerly wind, 66 Degrees, 96% humidity, dawn. Warm Up: 20 reps of: side straddle hop, imperial walkers, hill billy’s, backward lunge into a high knee raise, seal claps, overhead claps, overhead press. Mosey around the church incorporating side slides, high knees, but kickers, karaoke, and backwards mosey. Grab …

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BackBlast AOQ Handoff

AOQ Handoff

YHC arrived about 25 minutes early for a pre run to find several vehicles already on site. Apparently they were on a long run since no one was in sight. As the time approached numerous faces from other AOs began to appear. It was an honor for First Base and I to have so much …

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BackBlast Bears, BLIMPS, Mucho Chesto, and MOM

Bears, BLIMPS, Mucho Chesto, and MOM

AO Catapult, home turf, familiar faces, HIM ready to give their all. Conditions Perfect (60 degrees & Clear) Crabs sent out an urgent message that he was still recovering from thinking he was Bode Miller while skiing with his buds in Utah and needed a little relief from the Catapult Q this morning. I had …

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BackBlast 3/21/23 Catapult no bar pull up training.

3/21/23 Catapult no bar pull up training.

Conditions: A clear, cold and dark but dry March morning. 33 degrees with light wind. 4 pax posted for my return to Q at Catapult. I thought I’d tweak a bomb squad Q I used last month focusing on improving my pull up max and make it a little better. Warm Up (10 min):  15 …

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