BackBlast More Fun With Coupons

More Fun With Coupons

Conditions: Wet, with continued wetness, occasional strobe lighting and a rumbling low end befitting the Phil-zone. Got to the AO a bit early and it started to rain. Went out to the coupon pile to collect a couple of coupons to use under the eaves in case it got heavier. Judge Judy pulled up right …

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BackBlast Tabata Protocol

Tabata Protocol

Conditions: Low 60s and still covered with pollen… 3rd Q for the week and was struggling a bit with what to do this morning to keep from repeating myself, but finally decided to go with some Tabata circuits. One Minute Warning Welcome, Disclaimer, Mission Statement COP 15 Hairy Rockettes 15 Tempo Squats 10 Willie Mays …

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BackBlast Man Flees Church After Being Confronted With Group Of Men With Cinderblocks Over Head

Man Flees Church After Being Confronted With Group Of Men With Cinderblocks Over Head

Conditions: Mid-60s, with a little breeze. Woke up with head and chest congested, so figured today’s Q was going to be a challenge. Luckily, The Gavel is used to block heavy workouts, so knew if I could get through cadence in the COP, I’d be alright… COP 25 Side Straddle Hops 10 Willie Mays Hayes …

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BackBlast Hans And Franz

Hans And Franz

Conditions: Mid-50s and clear. Could have sworn Alexa told me it was 64 before I left the house. PRE-RUCK: Judge Judy and I convened court a little early, meeting at 0540 to get in some ruck time. We stuck in the AO and managed to get in a couple of miles. ERC pulled in at …

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BackBlast Just The Two Of Us

Just The Two Of Us

Conditions: Colder than I thought it was when I dressed, clear. Full moon. COP Moseyed a long lap out of the gate to warm up. 15 Hairy Rockettes, IC 10 Willie Mays Hayes, IC 15 Thru The Tunnel, IC 15 Imperial Walkers, IC 15 Tempo Squats, IC Bat Wings, IC 20 Side Straddle Hops, IC …

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BackBlast 22nd Q to honor the fallen

22nd Q to honor the fallen

AO The Gavel Conditions Low 40’s and beautiful  Today was my 22nd Q since the AO challenge started. And im sure glad it is over. In talking with Texas Ranger this am we agreed that we both were glad it was over. Challenge was fun and it created a challenge within a challenge as me …

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BackBlast Eazy Breezy Beatdown

Eazy Breezy Beatdown

The rain finally let up sometime yesterday, and while it was cool and windy, conditions at least allowed us to venture out of from under the church eaves. I had two possible plans of action, but my choice was made for me when there were three at the start in the COP (Pikachu showed up …

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BackBlast Attorney-Client Privilege

Attorney-Client Privilege

AO: The Gavel Conditions: 40s and cold Trying to make sure that I get at least two Q’s/week this month for my Valvano points, so I’m wrapping up this week with the Gavel again. After the unseasonably warm weather the day before, I was certain that some PAX would join me out at the Gavel …

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BackBlast Gavel Friday

Gavel Friday

AO: The Gavel Conditions: 50s and wet Capping off the week with a nice recovery workout under the awning. 1 minute warning Disclaimer COP: As it was cold, wet, and windy… made the call to get started with a lap around the church to the block pile. Everybody grabbed a block and headed to the …

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BackBlast Why is the guy from up North is dressed for a Blizzard?

Why is the guy from up North is dressed for a Blizzard?

Upon driving to the AO I figured everyone would be dressed a little warmer than the past few days. I was hoping not to be the only pax in shorts. As usual Judge Judy was already there waiting for the pain. Yes, he was in shorts. Tandem dresses a bit warmer. ERC however was ready …

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